Pesticide Production: Enhancing Personnel Safety Through Automation

Modern agriculture depends heavily on pesticide production. Currently, pests, weeds, and diseases cause the loss or severe impact of a quarter of the world’s potential crop output. Without pesticides, that number could more than double, causing a devastating impact on global food sources. The point? Pesticides are important. And, during the production process, pH is a crucial aspect of ensuring the pesticide is effective.

Manufacturing pesticides requires the use of various chemicals, with at least one “active” ingredient coupled with several “inert” ingredients. The active ingredient in the pesticide prevents the growth of harmful organics like weeds while also deterring pests. The inert ingredients contribute to the solution’s sustainability and solvency, allowing the pesticide to penetrate a leaf’s surface, extend product shelf-life, and improve the safety of those distributing the pesticide. These are typically common food commodities like oils, herbs, and cellulose. Ingredients found in pesticides must have EPA approval and follow strict guidelines on their use. When combining these ingredients into an aqueous solution, the product is heavily dependent on pH measurements.

Challenges of pH Analysis in Pesticides

Pesticides often involve complex formulations that include solvents, stabilizers, and various other chemicals. These components and their reactions are pH-dependent. Inaccurate pH measurements can potentially destabilize the mixture or cause unwanted chemical reactions, such as hydrolysis. This can affect the shelf life and effectiveness of the pesticide.

Pesticide producers are frequently dosing their solutions with acids or caustics as necessary adjustments are made based on pH measurements. Active ingredients in pesticides are pH-sensitive, meaning their efficacy can change based on the pH of the formulation. If the pH is not carefully monitored and controlled during production, it can lead to the degradation of the active ingredient, reducing its potency. There is also a risk of excessive consumption of resources like acids and caustics to compensate for the challenging aspects of pH measurements and their potential inaccuracy.

Additionally, safety in pesticide production is critical. Phosgene is present in many pesticide facilities as it is one of the many chemicals used in the formulation stage  Highly poisonous at room temperature in its gaseous form, minimizing phosgene exposure within the facility is crucial. Continuous pH monitoring ensures that reactions involving phosgene proceed under safe conditions.

M4 Knick’s Solutions for Pesticide Production

Safety is a major priority of pesticide producers. Automated systems, such as the Unical 9000 are designed with safety in mind. A fully automated sensor maintenance system for hands-off cleaning and calibration, the Unical 9000 aims to minimize tech/operator exposure to the process while simplifying pH measurements. Automated calibrations vastly reduce time spent in the process unit and prioritize worker safety. When paired with the Protos transmitter and a Sensogate or Ceramat pneumatic retractable holder, the Unical 9000 is the ideal engineered solution for the automatic retraction, insertion, cleaning, and calibration of inline process sensors.

Regarding pH measurements in pesticide production, sensors need to be durable and capable of withstanding aggressive media. The SE 554 pH sensor fits these requirements. The solid polymer electrolyte with a high KCl concentration enhances resistance to the harsh chemicals found in pesticide production. Its integration with the Unical 9000 makes this complete loop an ideal solution for the aggressive media found in pesticide production

Customer ROI

Enhanced Process Efficiency: Automating pH measurements reduces manual intervention, allowing in-line monitoring of pH and eliminating downtime caused by manual sampling and analysis.

Optimized Resource Allocation: Cost savings from reduced waste of raw materials, fewer rejected batches, and optimized use of pH-regulating chemicals.

Elevated Safety: In high-risk environments, such as those using phosgene, automated pH monitoring can prevent unsafe reactions and help manage chemical stability, reducing the likelihood of accidents or process exposure.

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Pesticide Production: Enhancing Personnel Safety Through Automation