Why is pH Slope Important?
A pH sensor’s slope is the linear correlation between the raw voltage reading and a pH value.
pH Sensor Solutions: Proper Care and Use
A pH buffer solution removes hydrogen and hydroxide ions, thus ensuring a known stable value typically within ± 0.02 pH units.
Process Efficiency with Digital pH Sensors
Digital sensing technology provides a vast and immediate process efficiency benefit.
Comparing Field and Lab Analyzers for pH Measurement
Use smart digital field sensors that you can calibrate and maintain offline in a shop or laboratory environment.
Tips & Tricks for Obtaining the Most Accurate pH Measurement
When looking at any pH application, the first thing to consider is the selection of the pH sensor used to make the measurement.
What’s the difference between a two point calibration & process cal?
Before diving into the calibration process it’s important first to understand the slope and zero-point of a pH sensor.
Inductive Technology: Changing the World of Liquid Analytics
Common issues with analog technology are signal leakage, noise from electrical interference, and ground loops.
pH Sensor Accuracy – Here’s the Truth
One of the most important things you can do to ensure an accurate pH measurement is to do a high-quality calibration.
pH Sensor Maintenance – Top 4 Recommendations
Like most process instruments, proper installation and maintenance play a significant role in determining the effective life of your sensor.