
Ultra-Compact Memosens Transmitter

The MemoTrans transmitter is a two-wire multi-parameter device for measuring pH, ORP, conductivity, or dissolved oxygen. 

  • The transmitter supplies measurement values to a process control system
  • Users can perform configuration, calibration, and diagnostics via a HART FDI package or HART handheld

The 2-wire MemoTrans transmitter is a multi-parameter device for measuring pH, ORP, conductivity (con­ductive or inductive), or dissolved oxygen. The transmitter connects to Memosens® digital sensors. Users can perform configuration, calibration, and diagnostics via a HART FDI package. This enables direct integration into all standard control systems. For example, when using BUS operation, you can implement multidrop mode. The MemoTrans comes standard with 4…20 mA, HART. In addition, users can use a HART handheld terminal for in-field calibration and diagnostics. 

MemoTrans is Built with you and your process in mind:

  • Multiparameter: pH, ORP, conductivity, & oxygen
  • UV-Resistant housing with NEMA 6 / IP 67/68
  • Space-saving housing is compatible with all Knick fittings – Retractable and Static
  • Red and green LEDs for indication of sensor status and health
  • Integrated cable shortens installation and commissioning time

Direct Sensor Connection to Memosens Technology

The direct Memosens sensor connection on the MemoTrans provides several ben­efits concerning ease of use and reduction of operating costs:
  • The waterproof inductive connection removes measure­ment influence due to moisture and humidity, commonly present in water and wastewater applications.
  • Galvanically isolated, so there is no measurement influ­ence from noise or ground loops. This feature is especially beneficial in open basins when using plastic holders.

Complete Your Loop...

  • Operation of Analog or Memosens® sensors
  • Multi-color backlit display indicates operating condition
  • Operation of Analog or Memosens® sensors
  • Multi-color backlit display indicates operating condition

The Stratos Eco analyzer is a basic device for analog pH, ORP, conductivity, or dissolved oxygen sensors.

  • Sensoface preventive maintenance indication
  • Optical alarm signaling by a bright red LED

The Stratos Eco analyzer is a basic device for analog pH, ORP, conductivity, or dissolved oxygen sensors.

  • Sensoface preventive maintenance indication
  • Optical alarm signaling by a bright red LED
The low-cost MemoRail is a DIN rail-mounded, digital analyzer for measuring pH, ORP, conductivity, oxygen, and temperature with Memosens® sensors.
  • (2) Active or passive 4…20mA outputs for measurement of process value and temperature
  • LEDs for indication of sensor status and health
The low-cost MemoRail is a DIN rail-mounded, digital analyzer for measuring pH, ORP, conductivity, oxygen, and temperature with Memosens® sensors.
  • (2) Active or passive 4…20mA outputs for measurement of process value and temperature
  • LEDs for indication of sensor status and health

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