Why Dissolved Oxygen Matters

Most people outside of the process industry think of oxygen as nothing more than a basic principle that allows us and every other organism on Earth to live and breathe. However, to the process industry and aquatic conservation efforts, oxygen and dissolved oxygen play several other important roles.

Dissolved Oxygen (DO) values represent the amount of gaseous oxygen contained in an aqueous solution. DO is a fundamental element of water quality and is essential to sustaining aquatic life. When DO levels are excessively elevated, the water’s capacity to retain other dissolved substances diminishes. Conversely, when DO levels are insufficiently low, minerals from riverbeds and runoff will begin to dissolve into the water, consequently impacting the water quality. Monitoring DO values is an essential aspect of both industrial processes and ecological moderation.

Listed below are some of the roles DO plays in both the process industry, and environmental sustainability.

Dissolved Oxygen in Process Industry

Cooling Systems— Many industrial processes rely on cooling water systems to maintain equipment temperatures. DO can promote corrosion in these systems, leading to equipment damage and reduced efficiency. Repairing or replacing equipment that has been affected by corrosion can be costly, so DO measurements are a priority for these processes. Monitoring DO levels in cooling water helps identify potential corrosion issues and supports appropriate corrosion control measures.

Metal Finishing and Plating— In metal finishing and plating operations, dissolved oxygen can influence the formation of metal oxide layers on the substrate. Careful monitoring of DO levels ensures consistent plating quality and reduces the risk of defects.

Food & Beverage and Pharmaceutical — In industries such as brewing, pharmaceuticals, and biotechnology, dissolved oxygen plays a vital role in production and packaging. Adequate oxygen levels are essential during the various fermentation and bio-processing applications for the growth and metabolism of microorganisms involved in these processes.-

Dissolved Oxygen in Environmental Applications

Aquatic Ecosystem Health— In natural water bodies like lakes, rivers, and oceans, dissolved oxygen is crucial for supporting diverse aquatic life. Aquatic organisms, such as fish, invertebrates, and bacteria, rely on oxygen to carry out essential metabolic processes. Adequate DO levels sustain the health and biodiversity of these ecosystems.

Water Quality Assessment— Monitoring dissolved oxygen levels is a key component of assessing water quality. Low DO levels can indicate pollution, nutrient imbalances, or excessive organic matter, leading to poor water quality and potential harm to aquatic life. Regular monitoring helps identify and address water quality issues promptly.

Drinking Water Safety— For water treatment plants supplying drinking water, dissolved oxygen levels are critical. Low DO can cause unpleasant tastes and odors in water, which may be difficult to remove during the treatment process. Monitoring DO helps ensure the safety and quality of drinking water supplies.

Wastewater Treatment— In wastewater treatment processes, DO is essential for the proper functioning of aerobic treatment systems. Aerobic bacteria use oxygen to break down organic pollutants, converting them into less harmful substances. controlling DO in wastewater treatment plants ensures optimal conditions for effective pollutant removal.

Discover Your Sensor

Dissolved oxygen sensors are utilized in an abundance of municipal and industrial applications. From monitoring corrosion to supporting crucial organisms in water treatment, dissolved oxygen is a critical parameter in various aspects of industrial and environmental pursuits. Check out our blog on the different styles of oxygen sensors used in these industries, or visit our Dissolved Oxygen sensor catalogue to find which sensor works best for you.

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Why Dissolved Oxygen Matters